When you are traveling or riding bicycles outdoor, you maybe need an bag for you to store your phone or other things, with this bag, you can solve this problem. It is made of fine material, which is also reflective and waterproof, come on and try it, it will not let you down.
This product use the waterproof material, which can reduce the infiltration of rainwater, even when you using it at rainy day, you do not need to worry about items, but please note, it is not completely waterproof and should not be drenched or soaked for a long time.
With the reflective material, sometimes when you riding bicycle at night, you do not need to worry about that other car can not notice you, which can makes your riding time more safety.
The material of this product is hard and crush resistance, which can compressive shock absorption, give you a better using experience.
With the professional shape protect design, it will not impede to your legs during riding.
With two mesh bag is on both sides, you can put the different items into different bags.
It is easy to install, with three tape that can be trimmed, so you can suitable for a lot of types of bicycle.